Grow Rhodes grass with ICS

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Reclaimer Rhodes grass, the ICS ultimate variety choice

Reclaimer Rhodes Grass is a fine stemmed Rhodes grass with a very high leaf to stem ratio when compared to other Katambora types. Aggressive growth and spreading habits makes Reclaimer the ultimate choice for hay or grazing production. It's high tolerance to saline soils also makes Reclaimer the perfect grass for reclamation work.

Why choose Reclaimer Rhodes grass?

  • Reclaimer Rhodes grass has in the tradition of Finecut an extremely fine stem.
  • Higher leaf to stem ratio than other Katambora types providing more consumable dry matter.
  • Reclaimer Rhodes Grass produces more stoloniferous growth resulting in up to 30% more ground cover than other Katambora types. This makes it ideal for land reclamation, mine rehabilitation and erosion control.
  • Reclaimer's aggressive nature also makes it ideal for suppressing problem weeds such as Rats Tail Grass, Love Grass and Lippia.
  • Reclaimer has a high salt tolerance. Trials indicate that it will remain productive between 4-10 decisiemen per metre (ds/M) and even survive levels up to 20ds/M.
  • Even maturity providing higher protein feed late in the season.
  • Excellent hay production.

Planting Reclaimer Rhodes grass

For best establishment results Reclaimer Rhodes should be planted at 5 kilograms per hectare of bare seed or 10-15 kilograms per hectare of Bettaflow treated seed into a fine firm seed bed within the top 1 centimetre of the soil surface.

List of Soils Excellent Fair
Clay loams
Sandy loams
Heavy clays
Self mulching clays
Forest country Fair

ICS supplies most Rhodes grass varieties for Africa and please contact us for seeds, management of crop and equipment needs (such as excellent seed drill from Vaderstad, harvesting and baling equipment). Please contact our respective branches to get a quote on your needs.

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